After a few tearful moments upon hearing the news, I went to work sorting out what could be moved from the garden. I sold the garden arch and a row of buxus. Both had been gifted to me and would have been difficult to take to my future garden. I invited family over to help themselves to roses, lavender, rhubarb, raspberries and compost. Despite the removal of quite a few things the garden still looked fine.
I left all my Dahlia's there. It wasn't the right time to lift them and probably best if I start afresh with new bulbs anyway.
Fortunately I was able to collect quite a few seeds. An Autumn house move is probably ideal for the gardener. Transplanting is less traumatic on most plants at this time and it gives me a good opportunity to work on the soil and design of the next garden.
Anyway, I took regular photos over the years of my back yard and this timelapse movie is the result. Enjoy.