So the wind has picked up again. The weather peeps call it Spring wind which leads me to hope that it will stop at the end of the season. But then again maybe after that they will call it Summer wind. Not much damage this time around. The tomatoes I planted a little too early are clinging on for dear life. One of the Zuchinni seedlings has been wrenched from the ground but I was being a bit unrealistic thinking they would last an early planting.
9th Nov. I've just dug a new garden bed around the base of a large old Plum tree. I have managed to create this without any expense just from transplanting a few things from other overcrowded beds - Shasta Daisies, Catmint and white Petunias should fill up the space quickly. On my photos page you will see a before and after photo. Hopefully in about a month I can show you the end result. The Catmint (Nepeta) has been grown from one tiny cutting I got last summer. This is one of the easiest things to grow. There are now at least 12 plants dotted around the beds all from the same cutting, which is just as well as our cat is completely addicted. Catmint tends to grow best in sandy soil.
Today's garden work also included fertilising all the garden. I make my own liquid fertiliser in a large lidded bucket with water and sheep pellets. Every week this gets stirred up and the pellets eventually break down. I dilute this mixture to a tea-like consistency to put on the garden. Any stronger and the plants could burn. In the growing season I fertilise every second week.
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